Nueva Cvs Renderiza vistas distintas a la Camara

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Mensajes: 23
Registrado: Mié Oct 06, 2004 6:56 am

Nueva Cvs Renderiza vistas distintas a la Camara

Mensaje por puntoycoma » Dom Nov 06, 2005 2:11 pm


Muy Facil!!!!!!!!!!!
Oprimes el Boton mas a la derecha en la ventana que desees + shift para render
y +Ctrl +Shift para animacion

How it works :
On the view3d header the last buttons enable to make a render of the view3D, now with the Richie\'s patch if you press Shift+click on the button you make a render of the current view with Blender internal render or yafray.
If you want to render an animation, press Ctrl+Shift+click on the button.
Richie continus to works on the patch to enable the render border for any view.
Use only DispWin, DispView does not work like He wants.

I don\'t put the log of CVS, is nearly the same as alpha 2. ... 98092197c4
